About Us
NPV specializes in providing management and consulting services to clients contemplating facility investments by combining our expertise in Corporate Real Estate, Development, Facilities Management, and Construction.
Our services apply to three distinct phases; Strategic Planning, Preconstruction Services, and Construction Management.
When supporting a team in any or all of these roles, we provide a professional level of service based on interdisciplinary skills and a senior level of leadership. Consistent among our services is our underlying commitment to approach our projects with an owner’s mentality – asking the fundamental question “If this was my money, would I spend it this way?”
By making NPV a key member of your project team, you can avoid problems that commonly occur on major facility investments. Most problems on such capital projects are: the project falls behind schedule, is over budget, or does not meet the defined quality and use requirements. As construction professionals, we have spent a great deal of time and effort identifying the causes of such problems and have developed processes and organizational structures to prevent them.
Capital projects are typically complex and require a team of individuals and/or firms. Our experience has shown that the success of this team – and therefore the project – is dependent on three variables: the quality of leadership given the team, the level of expertise of the individuals, and the effective allocation of time spent on the project. We have learned that the best way to ensure a successful outcome is to assemble an experienced and educated team, give them solid leadership, and allocate adequate time to the project – particularly during the planning phase. It seems simple, but it rarely happens.
Often, the leadership role on a project is given to a member of the client’s personnel in addition to their regular workload. This person usually does not have the experience of managing such a project. Members of the team often have conflicting objectives and are sometimes not aware of the project’s goals and financial constraints. Bringing a team together during the planning phase educates each member of the constraints surrounding costs, requirements, and time. Projects may seem to start slowly during the planning stage as the project deadline rushes ever nearer, but extensive planning saves time. We have found that time not spent in the planning stage is needed four times over to resolve problems during the implementation of a project that could have been avoided with proper planning.
Our combination of solid business experience, extensive industry knowledge, and strong interpersonal skills enable us to provide effective leadership for your capital projects. We know the project process and can manage it effectively from the evaluation of a concept right through to the turnover of equipment maintenance manuals at the end of the “job.” Our experience enables us to put together the right mix of individuals and to manage them toward a common set of objectives. In particular, we understand the value of planning and will ensure that there are no last minute surprises.